E-city, a one-stop science shop for local players

As a promoter of research projects aimed at exploring and/or acting on the environmental and societal conditions that create health inequalities between individuals, E-city is a one-stop shop for requests from the region to address concrete problems.

We support these projects from the initial set-u p phase right through to completion. They may involve research or in situ experimentation with local players.

Territorial partners are invited to express their needs and expectations in terms of research, concerning a given location (commune, urban policy district, concerted development zone, etc.) and an identified population (general population, elderly or reduced-mobility people, etc.). Our team can then help set up the project, mobilizing its in-house resources as well as those of the Université Paris Est-Créteil (UPEC).

We also co-sponsor projects with institutes and researchers in response to calls for large-scale projects in line with our core business of environmental health and the monitoring of vulnerable populations.


Research design

To co-construct these projects, E-city translates the needs and expectations of its partners into research issues.

Our team, well-established within UPEC, is able to mobilize teachers, students and researchers from all disciplines taught in the 17 components of Université Paris-Est Créteil – UPEC faculties, institutes and schools – and its 32 laboratories. These resources cover the fields of geography, sociology, health, urban planning and mobility, and the study of atmospheric systems (urban pollutants, etc.)…

For the purposes of research and action in the field, we can set up internships and student workshops, form a scientific committee to frame the methodology and research, and identify the skills and talents to be integrated into the project.


Managing and promoting your projects

E-city co-sponsors your project and ensures that it is properly managed and promoted.

Our team knows how to manage the administrative and financial aspects of your project, enter into contracts with stakeholders and recruit staff with the support of UPEC departments. Our project management skills enable us to formulate a realistic timetable of expected actions and deliverables, and to right-size your project. These deliverables can range from project reports and research results to an exhibition or documentary film for a wider audience.

By taking part in your projects, we also ensure that they are promoted, through articles and publications on social networks, visuals (computer  graphics, photography and video) or even popularization and awareness-raising events or scientific events. In this respect, we create scientific communications aimed at your various audiences, experts and laymen alike, to highlight the actions undertaken and the results of your research.